Sunday, 24 March 2013

Apple to Android

Recently I sold my iPhone for an INO. Yes, my camp still doesn't allow camera phones. For all the army boys thinking to get an INO, be warned about the mediocre battery life. It can barely last more than half a day with 3G on. 

Fortunately there's a INO One Plus coming out end of this month and you can find all the information here. Despite all the information about the battery life tests I'm still skeptical about its battery life. 

Here are a few tried and tested ways to save battery life if you are a INO user.

1) Off your 3G connection whenever you don't need it. I know this sounds cliche but it actually works. Battery life increased up to 300%. Rather than leaving your 3G on to deplete your battery life and having to bring an additional battery around, turning off our 3G connection actually helps your phone to last throughout an entire day. 

2) Lower your brightness and timeout levels. But beware not to lower your brightness to level 1. I'm not sure if this is a glitch of what, but when your brightness is at level 1, the screen just blacks out. Happens for me all the time so mine's at level 2. 

3) Closing all your applications when not needed. I'm quite anal about this and I close my applications religiously whenever I finish using them. It's as simple as just swiping them off the screen. All these applications running in the background could just be the bane of your battery life. 

These few tips work best for me and if you need additional tips, check out what the official website has to say here

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