Wednesday, 9 October 2013

SOSD Dog Adoption Drive

I've always love dogs in particular in comparison to all the other domestic animals. However I live with my grandma and she isn't exactly very tolerant to these furry little buddies. As a result, I didn't have much interaction with dogs growing up. 

Just last year, my beloved girlfriend, Petrine adopted a dog from her brother's friend. 

Just look at how innocent and cuddly he looks! (He's not innocent nor cuddly, he's hyperactive as hell) He sparked my interest for dogs once again and I'm really looking forward to getting my own dog in the future. I totally agree with my girlfriend that kids who grow up with dogs will be extra compassionate and caring because they will learn to care and share at a young age. They'll also definitely not grow up to be animal abusers. 

So last Sunday, I went for the SOSD's adoption drive at Bishan Park, Cornerstone Cafe. SOSD stands for Save Our Street Dogs. They are a non-profit organisation aimed to save stray dogs and mostly mongrels. SOSD also acts as a middleman and searches for potential dog lovers to adopt and provide a home for these homeless dogs. 

This is my first time going for such an adoption drive and I found it especially meaningful when the dog lovers gather and exchange opinions about their dogs. I was really tempted to adopt one of the dogs but I knew it came with great responsibilities. Nevertheless, it was heartwarming to see potential dog owners getting to know several dogs better and also previous dogs that were adopted returning back to the adoption drive.

SOSD also provides a package that helps you foster the dogs. The rehoming process is really simple and they provide microchipping, sterilization and vaccinations to protect your dog from harmful diseases. All you've got to have is a heart of gold and a sense of responsibility to know that adopting a dog is a long term commitment and he/she really becomes part of your family. 

Even though Ranger (my girlfriend's dog) isn't technically living with me, I've grown pretty attached to him and I regard him as part of my family as well. 

If you follow SOSD's facebook page, you'll realize a lot of these dogs have stories behind them. Some of them were left to survive on their own in the wilderness and some of them have gotten into terrible accidents. You will be surprised at some dogs's willpower to live. Just recently, one of the dogs, Barry miraculously recovered fully from being crippled. 

So if you are a dog lover and have some form of financial freedom, why not adopt a dog? Adopting a mongrel is so much better than buying pure breeds because you'll be encouraging dog farms to forcefully breed more dogs and in turn indirectly torturing the dogs. Mongrels are also much smarter and more beautiful than pure breeds just like in human context, mixed bloods are usually better looking. 

Just before I forget, if you see any street dogs that need rescuing, don't call the SPCA. They'll probably put the dog to sleep. Call the SOSD hotline at 9735 8677. You can trust them to give the dog medical attention and a place to live until an adopter comes along. 


  1. Mr Food, u know who am i9 October 2013 at 21:29

    Haha.. nice post that u wrote.. i also wish i have a dog also but my parent just dun allow...

  2. I really enjoyed this post - keep up the great work!
